Monday, 8 November 2010

Tara Inanloo// Photographer


C. Tara Inanloo, Illegal Images.

Being a fan of hip and garish portrait photographer Cindy Sherman I automatically liked the style of Inanloo's pictures. Characaturing female identity in the form of self-portrait Inanloo's work isn't actually a mere 2010 hommage to Sherman.

The 21- year- old Iranian photographer, a graduate of photography and cinematography in Tehran, notes the cultural and technical restrictions she felt as a young female artist. On her website it says she moved to England to 'push the boundaries to the side'. The women in Inanloo's images appear broken, as though they have been cut a raw deal in their young lifes, but all abrased with an independance, and therefore maybe a chosen destruction. Many of the shots have a domestic setting, giving a confessional commentary. I mean, you don't get more honest than the home, right? Struggling early on as a fascinated and ambitious young artist, but failing to find a form of an approacble advice outlet, it seems the images come from a discovery of 'use what you have', a determination to keep the art self-focused and self-incredulous.

Inanloo's also done some incredible chiaroscuruo snaps of live bands, namely Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Inanloo is attracted to the approach of being ''allowed insigh to their characters and creating the sense of who they really are rather than who they are pretending to become as models.''

Tara Inanloo' work can be found at